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Dragon Warrior II (NES)/ROM map: Difference between revisions

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(adding disassembly of pluralization code)
No edit summary
Line 16: Line 16:
  * 0x0B44B to 0x0B686 = Dictionary for main script.
  * 0x0B44B to 0x0B686 = Dictionary for main script.
  * 0x0B762 to 0x0B7C1 = Main script pointers. Each pointer points at a blob of 16 concatenated strings.
  * 0x0B762 to 0x0B7C1 = Main script pointers. Each pointer points at a blob of 16 concatenated strings.
  * 0x0B7C2 to 0x0BE0F = Main script part 1.
  * 0x0B7C2 to 0x0BE0F = Main script part 2 (continued from 0x17FE6).
  * 0x0BF1D to 0x0BF44 = Words for monster counts.
  * 0x0BF1D to 0x0BF44 = Words for monster counts.
  * 0x14010 to 0x17FE6 = Main script part 2.
  * 0x14010 to 0x17FE6 = Main script part 1 (continued at 0xB7C2).
  * 0x18032 to 0x18033 = Item list part 1, line 1 pointer.
  * 0x18032 to 0x18033 = Item list part 1, line 1 pointer.
  * 0x18034 to 0x18035 = Item list part 1, line 2 pointer.
  * 0x18034 to 0x18035 = Item list part 1, line 2 pointer.

Revision as of 23:09, 13 February 2019

Chip tiny.png The following article is a ROM map for Dragon Warrior II (NES).

Dragon Quest

* 0x02D9B to 0x????? = font, 1BPP.
* 0x1402B to 0x17D4C = dialogues. 0x14798 - beginning.
* 0x180C4 to 0x18E12 = menus and referential bank. Equipments, items, monsters, magic and complements.
* 0x1B730 to 0x1B8D7 = passwords.
* 0x1BC5C to 0x1BC81 = character's naming.
* 0x1BFB9 to 0x1BFF8 = standard names, better yet, some parts.

Dragon Warrior

* 0x07652 to 0x076E5 = Menu pointers.
* 0x076E6 to 0x07F20 = Menu text. Dragon Warrior II's menus use the same format as Dragon Warrior's menus.
* 0x0B44B to 0x0B686 = Dictionary for main script.
* 0x0B762 to 0x0B7C1 = Main script pointers. Each pointer points at a blob of 16 concatenated strings.
* 0x0B7C2 to 0x0BE0F = Main script part 2 (continued from 0x17FE6).
* 0x0BF1D to 0x0BF44 = Words for monster counts.
* 0x14010 to 0x17FE6 = Main script part 1 (continued at 0xB7C2).
* 0x18032 to 0x18033 = Item list part 1, line 1 pointer.
* 0x18034 to 0x18035 = Item list part 1, line 2 pointer.
* 0x18036 to 0x18037 = Spell list pointer.
* 0x18038 to 0x18039 = Monster name list part 1, line 1 pointer.
* 0x1803A to 0x1803B = Monster name list part 1, line 2 pointer.
* 0x18040 to 0x18041 = Item list part 2, line 1 pointer.
* 0x18042 to 0x18043 = Item list part 2, line 2 pointer.
* 0x18044 to 0x18045 = Monster name list part 2, line 1 pointer.
* 0x18046 to 0x18047 = Monster name list part 2, line 2 pointer.
* 0x1AD49 to 0x1AD88 = Prince of Cannock names.
* 0x1AD89 to 0x1ADC8 = Princess of Moonbrooke names.
* 0x1B2DA to 0x1B3CD = Item list part 1, line 1 text.
* 0x1B3CE to 0x1B4C1 = Item list part 2, line 1 text.
* 0x1B4C2 to 0x1B58B = Item list part 1, line 2 text.
* 0x1B58C to 0x1B633 = Item list part 2, line 2 text.
* 0x1B634 to 0x1B727 = Spell list text.
* 0x1B728 to 0x1B86D = Monster name list part 1, line 1 text.
* 0x1B86E to 0x1B954 = Monster name list part 2, line 1 text.
* 0x1B955 to 0x1B9E4 = Monster name list part 1, line 2 text.
* 0x1B9E5 to 0x1BA53 = Monster name list part 2, line 2 text.
* 0x1C805 to 0x1C8F1 = Code for pluralizing monster names.
* 0x1CAC2 to 0x1CC21 = Prologue.
* 0x243B6 to 0x247D4 = End credits.

Monster Name Pluralization Rules

; pluralize monster name
; starts reading the monster name backwards from the end of the string and applies the first applicable transformation
; -ch     -> -ches
; -dead   -> -dead (i.e. no change)
; -f      -> -ves (but no monster has a name that ends in f, so this rule is never used)
; -i      -> -ies
; -Man    -> -Men
; -man    -> -men
; -Mouse  -> -Mice
; -mouse  -> -mice
; -ngo    -> -ngo (i.e. no change)
; -rus    -> -rii
; -s      -> -ses
; -sh     -> -shes
; -y      -> -ies
; -       -> -s (everything else) 
; IN:
; A/Y/C: irrelevant, they all get potentially clobbered
; X: points to next byte in monster name stored starting at $60F1, i.e. the byte after the end token
; $60F1-????: singular monster name terminated by [end-FA]
; OUT:
; A/X/Y: unreliable
; C: set
0x01C805|$07:$87F5:A4 8F   	LDY $8F	; number of monsters in the current group
0x01C807|$07:$87F7:88      	DEY
0x01C808|$07:$87F8:F0 36   	BEQ $8830	; if only 1 monster, then no need to pluralize, so we're done
0x01C80A|$07:$87FA:CA      	DEX	; back up to [end-FA]
0x01C80B|$07:$87FB:CA      	DEX	; back up to final letter of monster name
0x01C80C|$07:$87FC:BD F1 60	LDA $60F1,X	; read final letter of monster name
0x01C80F|$07:$87FF:C9 18   	CMP #$18	; "o"
0x01C811|$07:$8801:F0 32   	BEQ $8835	; -ngo -> -ngo, -o -> -os
0x01C813|$07:$8803:C9 0F   	CMP #$0F	; "f"
0x01C815|$07:$8805:F0 5E   	BEQ $8865	; -f -> -ves (not used)
0x01C817|$07:$8807:C9 22   	CMP #$22	; "y"
0x01C819|$07:$8809:F0 5F   	BEQ $886A	; -y -> -ies
0x01C81B|$07:$880B:C9 12   	CMP #$12	; "i"
0x01C81D|$07:$880D:F0 5B   	BEQ $886A	; -i -> -ies
0x01C81F|$07:$880F:C9 1C   	CMP #$1C	; "s"
0x01C821|$07:$8811:F0 32   	BEQ $8845	; -rus -> -rii, -s -> -ses
0x01C823|$07:$8813:C9 11   	CMP #$11	; "h"
0x01C825|$07:$8815:F0 5B   	BEQ $8872	; -ch -> -ches, -sh -> -shes, -h -> -hs
0x01C827|$07:$8817:C9 17   	CMP #$17	; "n"
0x01C829|$07:$8819:F0 64   	BEQ $887F	; -man -> -men, -Man -> -Men, -n -> -ns
0x01C82B|$07:$881B:C9 0E   	CMP #$0E	; "e"
0x01C82D|$07:$881D:F0 79   	BEQ $8898	; -mouse -> -mice, -Mouse -> -Mice, -e -> es
0x01C82F|$07:$881F:C9 0D   	CMP #$0D	; "d"
0x01C831|$07:$8821:F0 0F   	BEQ $8832	; -dead -> -dead, -d -> -ds
; control flow target (from $883A, $8841, $8863, $8884, $888F, $889D, $88E1)
; append "s" to monster name
; default pluralization if not handled above
0x01C833|$07:$8823:E8      	INX
0x01C834|$07:$8824:A9 1C   	LDA #$1C	; "s"
0x01C836|$07:$8826:9D F1 60	STA $60F1,X	; append "s" to monster name
0x01C839|$07:$8829:E8      	INX
0x01C83A|$07:$882A:A9 FA   	LDA #$FA	; [end-FA]
0x01C83C|$07:$882C:9D F1 60	STA $60F1,X	; append [end-FA] to monster name
0x01C83F|$07:$882F:E8      	INX
; control flow target (from $87F8, $8843)
0x01C840|$07:$8830:38      	SEC
0x01C841|$07:$8831:60      	RTS

; control flow target (from $8821)
; jump to -d pluralization handler: -dead -> -dead, -d -> -ds
0x01C842|$07:$8832:4C CC 88	JMP $88CC

; control flow target (from $8801)
; -o pluralization handler: -ngo -> -ngo, -o -> -os
0x01C845|$07:$8835:BD F0 60	LDA $60F0,X	; read second-last letter of monster name
0x01C848|$07:$8838:C9 10   	CMP #$10	; "g"
0x01C84A|$07:$883A:D0 E7   	BNE $8823	; if not -go, append "s"
0x01C84C|$07:$883C:BD EF 60	LDA $60EF,X	; read third-last letter of monster name
0x01C84F|$07:$883F:C9 17   	CMP #$17	; "n"
0x01C851|$07:$8841:D0 E0   	BNE $8823	; if not -ngo, append "s"
0x01C853|$07:$8843:F0 EB   	BEQ $8830	; if -ngo, plural = singular

; control flow target (from $8811)
; -s pluralization handler: -rus -> -rii, -s -> -ses
0x01C855|$07:$8845:BD F0 60	LDA $60F0,X	; read second-last letter of monster name
0x01C858|$07:$8848:C9 1E   	CMP #$1E	; "u"
0x01C85A|$07:$884A:D0 11   	BNE $885D	; if not -us, append "es"
0x01C85C|$07:$884C:BD EF 60	LDA $60EF,X	; read third-last letter of monster name
0x01C85F|$07:$884F:C9 1B   	CMP #$1B	; "r"
0x01C861|$07:$8851:D0 0A   	BNE $885D	; if not -rus, append "es"
0x01C863|$07:$8853:A9 12   	LDA #$12	; "i"
0x01C865|$07:$8855:9D F0 60	STA $60F0,X	; replace -us with -ii
0x01C868|$07:$8858:9D F1 60	STA $60F1,X
0x01C86B|$07:$885B:38      	SEC
0x01C86C|$07:$885C:60      	RTS

; control flow target (from $884A, $8851, $886F)
; append "es" to monster name
0x01C86D|$07:$885D:E8      	INX
0x01C86E|$07:$885E:A9 0E   	LDA #$0E	; "e"
0x01C870|$07:$8860:9D F1 60	STA $60F1,X	; append "e" to monster name
0x01C873|$07:$8863:D0 BE   	BNE $8823	; append "s" to monster name; note that this branch is always taken

; control flow target (from $8805)
; unused code
; -f pluralization handler: -f -> -ves
0x01C875|$07:$8865:A9 1F   	LDA #$1F	; "v"
0x01C877|$07:$8867:4C 6C 88	JMP $886C	; replace "f" with "v" then append "es"

; control flow target (from $8809, $880D)
; -i pluralization handler: -i -> -ies
0x01C87A|$07:$886A:A9 12   	LDA #$12	; "i"
; unused control flow target (from $8867)
0x01C87C|$07:$886C:9D F1 60	STA $60F1,X	; replace final letter with "i"
0x01C87F|$07:$886F:4C 5D 88	JMP $885D	; append "es"

; control flow target (from $8815)
; -h pluralization handler: -ch -> -ches, -sh -> -shes, -h -> -hs
0x01C882|$07:$8872:BD F0 60	; LDA $60F0,X	; read second-last letter of monster name
0x01C885|$07:$8875:C9 0C   	; CMP #$0C	; "c"
0x01C887|$07:$8877:F0 E4   	; BEQ $885D	; if -ch, append "es"
0x01C889|$07:$8879:C9 1C   	; CMP #$1C	; "s"
0x01C88B|$07:$887B:F0 E0   	; BEQ $885D	; if -sh, append "es"
0x01C88D|$07:$887D:D0 A4   	; BNE $8823	; else, append "s"

; control flow target (from $8819)
; -n pluralization handler: -man -> -men, -Man -> -Men, -n -> -ns
0x01C88F|$07:$887F:BD F0 60	LDA $60F0,X	; read second-last letter of monster name
0x01C892|$07:$8882:C9 0A   	CMP #$0A	; "a"
0x01C894|$07:$8884:D0 9D   	BNE $8823	; if not -an, append "s"
0x01C896|$07:$8886:BD EF 60	LDA $60EF,X	; read third-last letter of monster name
0x01C899|$07:$8889:C9 16   	CMP #$16	; "m"
0x01C89B|$07:$888B:F0 04   	BEQ $8891	; -man -> -men
0x01C89D|$07:$888D:C9 30   	CMP #$30	; "M"
0x01C89F|$07:$888F:D0 92   	BNE $8823	; if not -Man, append "s"
; control flow target (from $888B)
0x01C8A1|$07:$8891:A9 0E   	LDA #$0E	; "e"
0x01C8A3|$07:$8893:9D F0 60	STA $60F0,X	; replace second-last letter of monster name
; control flow target (from $88DF)
0x01C8A6|$07:$8896:38      	SEC
0x01C8A7|$07:$8897:60      	RTS

; control flow target (from $881D)
; -e pluralization handler: -mouse -> -mice, -Mouse -> -Mice, -e -> es
0x01C8A8|$07:$8898:BD F0 60	LDA $60F0,X	; read second-last letter of monster name
0x01C8AB|$07:$889B:C9 1C   	CMP #$1C	; "s"
0x01C8AD|$07:$889D:D0 84   	BNE $8823	; if not -se, append "s"
0x01C8AF|$07:$889F:BD EF 60	LDA $60EF,X	; read third-last letter of monster name
0x01C8B2|$07:$88A2:C9 1E   	CMP #$1E	; "u"
0x01C8B4|$07:$88A4:D0 3B   	BNE $88E1	; if not -use, append "s"
0x01C8B6|$07:$88A6:BD EE 60	LDA $60EE,X	; read fourth-last letter of monster name
0x01C8B9|$07:$88A9:C9 18   	CMP #$18	; "o"
0x01C8BB|$07:$88AB:D0 34   	BNE $88E1	; if not -ouse, append "s"
0x01C8BD|$07:$88AD:BD ED 60	LDA $60ED,X	; read fifth-last letter of monster name
0x01C8C0|$07:$88B0:C9 16   	CMP #$16	; "m"
0x01C8C2|$07:$88B2:F0 04   	BEQ $88B8	; -mouse -> -mice
0x01C8C4|$07:$88B4:C9 30   	CMP #$30	; "M"
0x01C8C6|$07:$88B6:D0 29   	BNE $88E1	; if not -Mouse, append "s"
; control flow target (from $88B2)
0x01C8C8|$07:$88B8:A0 00   	LDY #$00	; replace last 4 letters of monster name with "ice" + [end-FA]
; control flow target (from $88C4)
0x01C8CA|$07:$88BA:B9 C8 88	LDA $88C8,Y
0x01C8CD|$07:$88BD:9D EE 60	STA $60EE,X
0x01C8D0|$07:$88C0:E8      	INX
0x01C8D1|$07:$88C1:C8      	INY
0x01C8D2|$07:$88C2:C0 04   	CPY #$04
0x01C8D4|$07:$88C4:90 F4   	BCC $88BA
0x01C8D6|$07:$88C6:38      	SEC
0x01C8D7|$07:$88C7:60      	RTS

; code -> data
; data load target (from $88BA)
0x01C8D8|$07:$88C8:12	; "i"
0x01C8D9|$07:$88C9:0C	; "c"
0x01C8DA|$07:$88CA:0E	; "e"
0x01C8DB|$07:$88CB:FA	; [end-FA]

; data -> code
; control flow target (from $8832)
; -d pluralization handler: -dead -> -dead, -d -> ds
0x01C8DC|$07:$88CC:BD F0 60	LDA $60F0,X	; read second-last letter of monster name
0x01C8DF|$07:$88CF:C9 0A   	CMP #$0A	; "a"
0x01C8E1|$07:$88D1:D0 0E   	BNE $88E1	; if not -ad, append "s"
0x01C8E3|$07:$88D3:BD EF 60	LDA $60EF,X	; read third-last letter of monster name
0x01C8E6|$07:$88D6:C9 0E   	CMP #$0E	; "e"
0x01C8E8|$07:$88D8:D0 07   	BNE $88E1	; if not -ead, append "s"
0x01C8EA|$07:$88DA:BD EE 60	LDA $60EE,X	; read fourth-last letter of monster name
0x01C8ED|$07:$88DD:C9 0D   	CMP #$0D	; "d"
0x01C8EF|$07:$88DF:F0 B5   	BEQ $8896	; if -dead, plural = singular
; control flow target (from $88A4, $88AB, $88B6, $88D1, $88D8)
0x01C8F1|$07:$88E1:4C 23 88	JMP $8823	; else, append "s"