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Talk:Super Mario Bros.:ROM map

From Data Crystal
Revision as of 06:57, 20 December 2006 by (talk)
Jump to navigation Jump to search attributed the original version of the Text Values section to TheEmulatorGuy. --AnyoneEB 17:36, 4 November 2005 (EST)

I don't get this. There are no assembly commands and no opcodes, which is what IS in the rom. Exactly what is this? - xx

That stuff would be the disassembled version. Open this up with a hex editor, each value is representative of each byte. -- 22:47, 19 December 2006 (EST)
That's not disassembly. Disassembly is taking the bytes and matching them to 6502 ASM. As it stands, It is little more than marking sections. I think it should include the address, the opcode, and the 6502 ASM with an explanation. Here's a fictional example with fictional opcodes:
; Add a coin to max coins:
$8000 : $08 $87     : LDX $87   ; get the current number of coins
$8003 : $22         : INX       ; add one
$8004 : $44 $87     : STX $87   ; store the result
$8006 : $78 $20 $89 : JMP $8920 ; goto the update coin text routine