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6502 opcodes: Difference between revisions

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||TYA || transfer register Y to accumulator                  || 98 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  
||TYA || transfer register Y to accumulator                  || 98 ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  ||  
[[Category:Nintendo Entertainment System]]

Revision as of 16:15, 2 February 2008

The following table contains a list of op codes for the 6502 processor, used with the NES.

  • ABS = Absolute
  • ACC = Accumulator
  • IMM = Immediate
  • IND = Indirect
Mnemonic Description Implied / ACC (IND),X (IND,Y) ABS ABS,X IMM ABS,Y Zero Page Zero Page,X
ADC add memory to accumulator with carry 61 71 6D 7D 69 79 65 75
AND AND memory with accumulator 21 31 2D 3D 29 39 25 35
ASL shift left one bit (memory or accumulator) 0A 06 16
BCC branch on carry clear 90
BCS branch on carry set B0
BEQ branch on result zero F0
BIT test bits in memorywith accumulator 2C 24
BMI Branch on result minus 30
BNE branch on result not zero D0
BPL branch onresult plus 10
BVC branch on overflow clear 50
BVS branch on overflow set 70
CLC clear carry flag 18
CLD clear decimal mode D8
CLI clear interrupt disable bit 58
CLV clear overflow flag B8
CMP compare memory and accumulator C1 D1 CD DD C9 D9 C5 D5
CPX compare memory and X register EC E0 E4
CPY compare memory and Y register CC C0 C4
DEC decrement memory CE DE C6 D6
DEX decrement register X CA
DEY decrement register Y 88
EOR EXCLUSIVE OR memory with accumulator 41 51 4D 5D 49 59 45 55
INC increment memorty EE FE E6 F6
INX increment register X E8
INY increment register Y C8
JMP jump to new location 6C 4C
JSR jump to new location saving return address 20
LDA load accumulator with memory A1 B1 AD BD A9 B9 A5 B5
LDX load register X with memory AE A2 BE A6 B6
LDY load register Y with memory AC BC A0 A4 B4
LSR shift right one bit ( memory or accumulor) 4A 4E 5E 46
NOP no operation EA
ORA OR memory with accumulor 1 11 0D 1D 9 19 5 15
PHA push accumulator on stack 48
PHP push processor status on stack 8
PLA pull accumulator from from stack 68
PLP pull processor status from stack 28
ROL rotate one bit left ( memory or accumulator) 2A 2E 26 36
ROR rotate one bit right ( memory or accumulator) 6A 6E 7E 66 76
RTI return from interrupt 40
RTS return from subroutine 60
SBC subtract memory from accumulator with borrow F1 ED FD E9 F9 E5 F5
SEC set carry flag 38 E1
SED set decimal mode F8
SEI set interrupt disable status 78
STA store accumulator in memory 81 91 8D 9D 99 85 95
STX store register X in memory 8E 86 96
STY store register Y in memory 8C 84 94
TAX transfer accumulator to register X AA
TAY transfer accumulator to register Y A8
TSX transfer stack pointer to register X BA
TXA transfer X to accumulator 8A
TXS transfer register X to stack pointer 9A
TYA transfer register Y to accumulator 98